While posting here is never easy, at times yet another new Blogger problem crops
up or I forget about an older glitch because I’d been avoiding it for a spell or I just don’t have the patience to deal with the workarounds and troubleshooting, so it seems even harder and plans get kicked down the road again. That’s when I’ll put up the bottle of Devil Tylenol from Hell or its predecessor the Campbell’s soup can — which you may recall is an ancient Internet tradition begun by Mark Evanier — and when I share another batch of word-verification definitions. I’ve explained the phenomenon before in my first such post and more recently on the dedicated page of this blog that collects them all to date.
• ashible — [ash ih bull] adj. Made of such substance as will be reduced to powder by burning.
• Boxidect™ — [boks ih dekt] It’s ten — ten — ten boxes in one!
• caticeph — [kat ih sef] n. A being with a feline head.
• compi — [kahm pi] n. Toast for a gratis helping of 3.14159 oz. of saké. (Ooh... Multilingual humor!)
• dabless — 1. [duh bless] n. What dapriest does to daflock. 2. [dab liss] adj. Lacking hair product.
• fergpod — [furg pahd] n. How new singers for The Black-Eyed Peas are grown.
• fiersh — [feersh] excl. Drunk Christian Siriano’s catchphrase.
• gatillin — [gat till in] v. Usin’ yer gun ta work the field ’cause y’ain’t got no rake.
• healinc — [heel ink] n. A medical conglomerate.
• inglid — [ing lid] n. Cap on a jar of gerunds.
• merfloth — [mur floth] n. What a lisping sea siren uses for oral hygiene.
• oxorber — [oks or bur] n. Collector of bovine eyeballs.
• patizzle — [puh tih zull] n. Where Snoop Dogg enjoys his lemonade.
• pumince — [poom inss] n. Finely chopped cougar.
• radom — 1. [rad um] adj. Haphazardly missing letters. 2. n. [rah dum] Domain of the Egyptian sun god. 3. [rad ohm] n. Meditative chant used at nuclear power plants.
• snall — [snall] n. Noise made by uppercrust English dogs.
• subtr — [sub tr] v. Take away the last few letters of a word. (You can then put them in a test tube and separate them in a — wait for it — subtrfuge.)
• TopoLido — [toh poh lee doh] Pool attraction featuring Aquaman’s octopus buddy at the Super Friends amusement park.
I read "snall" in General Robert E. Lee's voice: "I do believe that cur has snalled at me... now, let us retire to the veranda for mint juleps, while there we can take turns charming the pants off one another."
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what happened at the end there.
I do believe everyone said "I do believe" at the start of every sentence back then - it took a bit longer to say what you were saying - but, boy oh boy, was it ever worth it!
ReplyDeleteI do believe you're right, Joan.
So how well did you know the General?
Great stuff as always, Blammer! I love fergpod and merfloth, but compi is genius. Cheers!