Molto Media

This post is currently down for maintenance.


  1. Have you seen The Hunger Games yet? I just got back from seeing it and of course I want to stomp around and flail my arms like I always do.


  2. I have indeed. And I started writing a review that night but I've been too exhausted to finish it; hopefully I at least got down enough notes that I'll remember most of what I wanted to say. You're welcome to rant about whatever you want here, although since I still plan to post my review I probably won't say much on this comments page.

    You do have a blog yourself, you know.

  3. You do have a blog yourself, you know.

    Yeah, I heard a rumor about that...

    I shall wait for your post, Mister Man.

  4. Blammer!
    I left a comment over on an EW PopWatch post that has 27 likes (and counting).
    Someone mentioned that Mirror, Mirror seemed like the perfect Easter movie, and I replied "Because it has a lot of Easter eggs or because audiences will be saying 'Jesus Christ, I can't believe I'm watching this movie'?"
    I thought you'd be proud of me. ^__^

  5. I would 100% take a broom over Lori in a zombie-poc any day of the week and twice on Sunday, regardless of it's a Mad Men premiere Sunday or Game of Thrones premiere Sunday.
